June 10, 2015

Unity building problem for Windows Phone

在使用 Unity 輸出 Windows Phone 專案的時候遇到幾個類似於下面的錯誤
Currently there will be errors like the following when building Windows Phone project in Unity.

method `System.Int32 System.String::Compare(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)` doesn't exist in target framework.
因為 Windows Phone 提供的 API 並不完整,遇到這種錯誤的時候解法有幾個
The reason is that some of the .NET API are not provided by Windows Phone. The solutions for the error are:
  1. 改寫程式,拿掉那些沒有提供的 API,改用其他有提供的 API 達到一樣的功能
    Rewrite the code to remove those un-supported API and use other supported API instead.
  2. 一樣改寫程式,實作那些沒有提供的 API ,編譯出 DLL 檔放進 Unity Project
    Implement those un-supported API, compile as DLL and put it in the Unity Project. Use the DLL functions instead.
目前遇到兩個有問題的是 String.Compare(String, String, Boolean)List.ConvertAll,都使用方法一解決。Windows Phone API 提供了String.Compare(String, String, StringComparison)可以作為替代方案,List.ConvertAll 我就直接用 List.ForEach 一個一個處理了。

I chose Solution one for the un-supported API String.Compare(String, String, Boolean) and List.ConvertAll. Windows Phone API provided String.Compare(String, String, StringComparison) which can be used to replace String.Compare(String, String, Boolean), as for List.ConvertAll I just converted each item of the list with List.ForEach.

當然直接把有用到的部份拿掉也是一種 workaround。
Of course you can just remove the un-supported code, if it's not necessary, as a workaround.

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